Datakvalitet – The key driver of digitalization, AI, and robotics

More and more companies and organizations are looking to make data quality management a continuous process with set goals and monitorable at the organizational leadership level. Do you know the quality level of the data owned by your organization? How should the improvement of data quality be initiated and how should the organization be structured around this topic? Contact us to schedule a meeting and let’s discuss how we can assist you with matters related to data quality!

Our target audience

We have executed many data quality projects for both large and medium-sized enterprises. Our customers are predominantly from the manufacturing industry, energy sector, telecommunications, and aerospace industry sectors. However, effective data quality management is essential for any organization dealing with significant amounts of data. Contact us to discuss how we can elevate the data quality of your company to the next level.

How we implement Data Quality Management?

We implement data quality processes for your company utilizing the centralized cloud-based Aveso Data Studio tool and expertise of our data quality professionals.

Examples of our services utilizing the Aveso Data Studio system:

  • Current state analysis of data quality
  • Management of data quality rules and scheduled or manual execution of rules
  • Data quality error lists (counts and percentage shares)
  • Data quality monitoring
  • Correction of erroneous data
  • KPI reporting with selected criteria

Our services cover the following areas of data quality management:

Current state analysis

We provide data quality analysis services where we examine the current state of data quality in the datasets specified by our clients. Through this analysis service, you receive comprehensive reports and situation analyses on the data quality of your company's information systems. These insights help you identify necessary data improvement actions and bottlenecks. As an output of the service, you receive concrete error lists regarding data quality from your chosen systems and datasets.

Continuous development and monitoring

We support our clients in developing data quality management processes. We are capable of establishing continuous monitoring of data quality, allowing you to easily track the quality of your data in real-time, all the way up to executive level. Through continuous monitoring and the generation of error lists, we can identify data quality issues and bottlenecks, and pinpoint the necessary steps for further improvement of data quality.

All from one centralized system

In our services, we utilize the Aveso Data Studio tool developed for data quality management. This tool allows controlled centralization of data quality and master data operations, creating a managed process that you can easily track and monitor. We can implement an initial Proof of Concept (PoC) phase for our clients to verify the functionality and necessity of the product. Clients can then continue using Aveso Data Studio as part of their data quality management process.

Why to choose Aveso?

With our experienced consultants and tools, you can establish centralized data quality management processes, reducing manual tasks and associated errors. Our solution helps create a controlled process that can be monitored at desired levels.

We offer our clients a Proof of Concept (PoC) phase to ensure our service meets their needs and demonstrate its usefulness.

Data Quality in Migration Projects

Are you considering replacing one of your systems or system upgrade, facing data migration from an old system to a new one? We believe it’s crucial to prioritize data quality before major system projects, where poor-quality data could potentially derail the entire project. We can execute data migrations ensuring that data quality is addressed before transferring data to the target system. Contact us regarding data migrations or read more about it on our data migration page.

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